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Nutrition Label API






The Nutrition Label API allows users to parse an image of a nutrition label into the nutrition of the item.


Query Parameters#

  • key: The API key for authentication (required).
  • image_url: URL of an image or base64 image containing a nutritional label (optional)*.

Sample Request#

curl -X GET ''

Sample Responses#

  • Success Response:
{  "code": 200,  "success": true,  "data": {    "name": "Nutrition Label",    "alt_units": [      {        "unit": "serving",        "weight_in_grams": 21      }    ],    "selected_portion": {      "quantity": 1,      "unit": "serving"    },    "selected_portion_nutrition": {      // If field is available and visible on nutriton label.      "mass_g": 21,      "calories_kcal": 60,      "carb_g": 17,      "fat_g": 0,      "protein_g": 0,      "sugar_g": 17,      "fiber_g": 0,      "sodium_mg": 0,      "vitamin_c_mg": 0,      "vitamin_d_iu": 0,      "calcium_mg": 0,      "iron_mg": 0,      "potassium_mg": 0,      "cholesterol_mg": 0,      "saturated_fats_g": 0,      "trans_fats_g": 0    },    "nutrition_per_100g": { // This is only returned if mass is visible on the label      "mass_g": 100,      "calories_kcal": 285.7143,      "carb_g": 80.9524,      "fat_g": 0,      "protein_g": 0,
      // Detailed Nutrients if available on label      "sugar_g": 80.9524,      "fiber_g": 0,      "sodium_mg": 0,      "vitamin_c_mg": 0,      "vitamin_d_iu": 0,      "calcium_mg": 0,      "iron_mg": 0,      "potassium_mg": 0,      "cholesterol_mg": 0,      "saturated_fats_g": 0,      "trans_fats_g": 0    },  }}
  • Incomplete Nutrition Label or No Label in Image:
{  "code": 200,  "success": false,  "text": "Unable to Parse Label"}
  • Error Response:

See Error Responses for how the API will signal malformed or failed requests.

Get Started#

Request an API Key